Cast of Characters

I read blogs all the time, and they say things like “I told B that she needed to take N to dance class but R hadn’t filled up the car, so she had to stop at the gas station where she ran into €.”

It’s maddening. I can’t keep the letters straight. I have no idea who you are ever talking about. Give the names, or don’t talk about them.

So, here is our cast. If I start to talk a lot about others, I’ll add them, but these are the all day every day folks.



My husband, as of quite recently. He’s a computer guy, and he adores me, but he’s no pushover. He’s great at telling me no. Thank God.


I’ve been calling FL my wife since long before Kevin and I started dating, and she still is, in any way that counts. She’s my cats’ auntie, and she keeps me from buying 7 more. She’s our housemate.


My brilliant therapist. I think that I have said the phrase “Juliana says” more than any single phrase in the past two years.

Samantha Jane

AKA Sami, Baby Girl, Princess, and la gata mas hermosa del mundo. Kevin’s cat. OK, my cat, but she likes Kevin way more.

Calliope Jones

Samantha’s sister. She has idiopathic feline epilepsy, and she’s not the brightest bulb in the lamp. She likes doors, and would like to know if you know how to work food.


My late first husband. He died quite suddenly in 2014, and I am an unwitting grief expert because of this. I still talk about him a lot. We were married for 22 years, so, a lot of my stories still involve him.

There are others…so many others. But I will try to qualify them as they come up. You know, my friend Jen, my friend Nisha. My Serena, who is my bestie from forever, and who is still in Pittsburgh and whom I miss, palpably, every single day.

But these six are a good start.