What are your thoughts on the concept of living a very long life?

As with so many things, my thoughts on this one have flippity-flopped over the years. I used to say that I would take any pill you would hand me if it meant that I could live forever. I made it very clear to everyone that I met even casually that I would prefer to remain on life support for generations while a cure is searched for rather than be unplugged. I wanted to never, ever die.

And then my husband died. At the absurdly young age of fifty. I was forty-seven, and suddenly not all that interested in living forever.

I mean, I wasn’t all THAT interested in dying, either. I had animals to take care of and parents who needed me to be around for a while, at the very least.

But my mantra in those first few years was “if I live to be a hundred—and GOD, wouldn’t THAT be a cruel joke?”

But now, I am remarried, and really quite fond of my second husband and quite annoyed that we are not going to get a whole lifetime together. My parents have been married for 61 years, and I am not going to get that many years if you add both of my marriages together, and that really sort of sucks.

So I am firmly back on team ‘live forever’ now. I’d happily be bitten by a random vampire at this point.

Know any?

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